Miro's text is: (remove the # as I added those to break it so it displays.
#<#smartvideo src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/{#{dc:post:meta key="59fb19Rv83o"}}" width="1280" height="720" class="swarm-fluid" controls="">#<#track default kind="captions" srclang="en" src="{#{dc:post:meta key="https://img.youtube.com/vi/59fb19Rv83o/maxresdefault.jpg"}}"/><#/smartvideo>

Miro's code is hiding in here:

Your Vision Post page: Laws of Success No1

Col 2 text
BY [dynamic code link hiding - remove # if using in elsewhere]  {#{dc:author:display_name}}hoppy

This is a plain post page….. terribly useless To have a vision is very important for your unconscious mind. Firstly it is the big picture. This activates the right hemisphere of the brain. It gives the unconscious mind the information so it can actively seek out what you are wanting. A key prime directive of the unconscious is that its a faithful servant of you needs and wants, so use it to your advantage. With no vision there is no direction for your most valuable resource, your unconscious mind, to work towards.

Tap the picture to watch the video.

Having a vision that is suited to you is important. This ties into Law 8 of your uniqueness. This will help spark your drive, passion and help you to master what you are naturally good at.