Who Am I? Ramana Maharshi

Who Am I? Your answer to Ramana Maharshi's famous self-inquiry question can tell you a lot. This question can cause Enlightenment in rare instances or give you great insights. It tests your Awakening. It shows mindful answers are NOT it nor is a concept. Awakening is evidence-based, the Laws of Grace course gives the exact way to experience and evidence it. Tap the picture below to watch me describe what we do. Follow my prompts to start this habit of becoming the real I Am. It's a journey of mastering your volitional attention, which in my view is 100% doing as it is your attention, eh? So what are you doing with it, as it is yours!

Who Am I question defined

It's a real experience to genuinely feel that Enlightened knowing that I am an empty nothing, that never changes, never dies but yet is everything. That is what is great about Eckhart Tolle. He brought this same simple concept to ten's of millions of people. Tolle's answer is, of course, you are Presence. However vague teachings are easily deceptive to the mind. Learn how to be specific about Enlightenment, use your own practice to give visceral evidence and check you are not just using your imagination.

An answer of "Not I" isn't it, that many retort to Ramana's question. Some use as a retort "Who is the asker" to demonstrate more lost mind and ego misunderstanding that is based on separation. Sometimes the retort of "Who is the asker" or "Who is the owner" is used as a weapon that shows a complete lack of real experience and attainment. Visit any Adyashanti or Eckhart Tolle facebook groups and you will see these comments frequently.

Read and watch the videos in the 6 pages that cover the phases of enlightenment. You will see clearly how I discuss being grounded and having a strong Ego is completely required or you will go insane at these different phases of Awakening. Those six pages will need to be studied and re-read, especially where I discuss Transpersonal Enlightenment. If this is wrong please contact me and we shall discuss this, as self honesty (pillar N04 Law Zero) is a key Law of Grace. I am happy to be 100% wrong, as we only grow and deepen through insightful feedback.

Presence or Nothingness is of course the real answer. These are step 3 and step 4 respectively in the 4 steps of Correct Presence Practice. But what is that and who is the chooser? In this ad-lib chat video I explore how one can see where one is in relation to "Who Am I?" As your Eckhart Tolle Presence practice or Adyashanti's "allowing everything to be as it is" deepens your relationship to this question changes. The chooser and the "I" kind of melt.

However, if you are a non-duality lover please can you explain the core human difference we have over the entire animal kingdom: Volitional attention. I'd seriously love to know how you can be God direct without your volitional attention being directed to experience God. This is the fundamental flaw of modern Advaita teachers, so they get lost in hypnosis and mind-based truisms. Please test what's true and what is delusional about non-duality. If you can give specific reasoning and personal evidence I'd like to know.

I explain what happens as you enter the Abiding permanent, phase of Enlightenment and this ownership of consciousness changes. It isn't a head answer but a deep knowing that there isn't anyone there - but it Is..... I Am. Dang! And well I am stuck with this human person. Your humanness then starts the journey of symbiosis with your Impersonal Nothingness.

It only took me five years to arrive at phase 3 Abiding Enlightenment, where Who Am I is always obvious regardless of what Jason thinks, feels or behaves. It's an odd place and takes adjustment, as I say in the video. The fact is, few live here and the mind is so powerful most Awakenings get lost. Losing Awakening is explained more here on the losing and Awakening page. So having a living teacher, not a dead teacher who cant answer your questions, can guide you.

This video has many complex insights, so send a question to make contact for info on the courses, Mastery Club or 1-on-1 coaching and I'll help you find this place of evidence-based Enlightenment.

As one enters more into Abiding Awakening the Stillness of the I AM also deepens and establishes itself as normal. It’s a process, and an unusual one, as few humans go through it. It is quite a lonely process as unless you know other Abiding people nobody else will get your internal experience. This is why I recommend a coach, like myself who has been in this place for well over 5 years. Those first 5 years are critical. You will literally need to learn to live all over again as everything is different.

If you have ever lost an Awakening, you will know what I mean. To want to feel the same way as that Awakening did, and it isn’t 100% now, in this moment, is an indicator that it was a past event, and is lost. Stable Awakening is where the I Am is never lost and is phase 3 and 4 of the Awakening process. It still requires vigilance and conscious choice as it roots deeper and deeper into your being. This process never stops.

This video has so many complex aspects it may trigger a response in you. But only one thing really matters, and that is: Are you Present now? Presence that is based in the body and out of your mind.

Living in Awakening is definable

To live in the Awakened State, Enlightenment has certain hallmark characteristics. They cannot be faked. It is an ongoing experience that I Am a nothing that is Present. I am definable yet I am not. I am all that is, yet I am stuck to this person.

The ego and its relationship to this real identity that you are takes third-dimensional time to align and adjust. The ego is often portrayed as evil and bad in spiritual circles. Yet it is vital to our life. I use the metaphor of software to separate the ego from you and I Am which has no words, beliefs or behaviours. Perhaps a better term for this would be the separation mechanism that may not be ego but isn’t in unity as Nothingness. This separation mechanism will adjust to being in unity with your true identity, the I Am (the Nothingness).

True honesty with yourself and openness to always dig deeper will allow you to move to deeper and deeper levels of the true I Am. How do you be that honest? Your ego, or separation mechanism, slowly adjust to this and your relationship to this most fundamental of questions will change.

The Laws of Grace and its online course spell out these core principles of how we come to live in this place of Enlightenment is how all this is done, with specific exactitude. There is a doer. You the person, ego, separation mechanism have to apply and become accustomed to this dichotomy that you are emptiness dancing. Yes, emptiness dancing is a title of a book by Adyashanti and this beautifully indicates the dynamics of consciousness movement. You do indeed engage in a dance with me and the "I", which is truly impersonal. You are both, the question is are conscious of both and are both? If yes, what is the evidence of that in life?

Book an extended 1st coaching session for 90 minutes by tapping this link or call me for a free 25min chat if you have a question. My number is at the bottom of every page.

Laws of Grace / Presence Practice courses

Learn Correct Presence Practice with the 16 hour Correct Presence Practice course or the very extensive 50+ hour Laws of Grace course. Both include one or more personal coaching sessions to check you are forming the Correct Presence Practice and to answer your questions.

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