Your Unconscious Mind

Pillar No5: The greater you that's a 5 year old

To simplify, a human being is made up of two types of mind, the conscious and unconscious. Your conscious mind is your chooser function and the director and owner of your volitional attention. The majority of you is unconscious that is the habit function. If you are not conscious, ie: unable to use volitional attention, then you are unconscious and the habit function dictates everything. The parrots are 100% unconscious, and why they are perfect demonstrators for the 9 pillar framework.

When you are conscious your choices are acted out by your unconscious mind if you have the correct habit installed.  As an academic life coach, I call this the green traffic light state when tutoring students. You have the ability to direct (volition) the components of free will, information and decision making where your attention and actions are placed. Hence Correct Presence Practice is the placement of your conscious volitional attention into the 4 steps of Presence. Correct Presence Practice is pillar No1 for this exact reason. It ensures you are operating from your chooser function.

When the prime directives of the unconscious mind are triggered one can lose their volitional chooser function and act unconsciously. Depending on many factors the habit function may override what you consciously say and want. This is the fundamental pivot point of humans versus all other animals. This is also the juncture of genuine Awakening via correct Presence and un-awake ideas and non-presence. This is the concrete basis of phase 3 Abiding Awakening as the unconscious mind has Correct Presence Practice installed as the habit function. And then you consciously reinforce it to keep it deepening, or old non-presence habits may grow back (ie: you lose an Awakening).

Your unconscious mind is your habit function device that takes care of everything for you. It gives you all your resources to function and live. The unconscious mind has the override button. When this is switched on automatic reaction mode happens. This will bring out the bad behaviours that are buried deeper with you from bad training or survival responses. Only correct practice makes a good habit that will eventually turn into the default habit function.

I describe these states to students in academic life coaching as the yellow and red traffic light awareness states. Your unconscious mind is certainly the majority of you and it is the container in which the ego, psychology, pain body (Eckhart Tolle's term for your mental and emotional baggage), behaviour patterns and more are stored. Thus the operation of the unconscious mind must be understood to help reset your habit function to that of correct Presence.

Unconscious mind defined

It's 95% of you: Learn how it works

When something happens and you cannot easily enter step 3 of the 4 steps of Presence practice it means there is an issue, conflict or motivational problem. These are typically a product of one or more of the below prime directives being in conflict or out of alignment. When you understand these prime directives and how your unconscious mind operates, it means you can tackle the issue faster and return to a deeper Presence state. Knowing these prime directives means you can go in and rewire how you operate. It’s like upgrading your phone’s operating system from version 9.0 to 10.0.

The result is, you are faster, smarter and more motivated and you Awaken more smoothly. It means you have more unconscious resources to face the same situation again in the future. You may still have fear or some other emotion happening if it was a negative situation, (red or yellow traffic light), but these emotions will hopefully be reduced. This depends on how well you cleared the issue through inquiry. If the situation was a 'yellow traffic light state', then next time you may notice you hold the steps to correct Presence better in that repeated situation. You will evidence an improvement if you are using your volition (ie: being conscious).

If the situation was a red traffic light for you, it may then shift to a yellow, then with practice it will shift to green. As you experience this you are meeting the Rules of Evidence that your progress is real. Often red traffic light triggers are more complex, sometimes they take expert help by myself or other professionals. Repeated inquiry by yourself on these trigger points will hopefully resolve it. If not, then it may be a blind spot. Persistence, practice and feedback are the formulae to taking any issue to the green traffic light in your life.

The Laws of Grace course covers all these aspects very thoroughly if you want to self-study this complex process. You will learn and hear me speak in different ways in the course to do this yourself. Using your success journal every day to track the progress on the big issues that take you to the yellow and red traffic light states will really help. The other option, is we undertake coaching and make this process faster and less bumpy for yourself and those around you. If specific work is required to remove conflict between these prime directives then this will be mentioned.

To live in a state of Abiding Presence means you live predominantly in the 'green traffic light state'. Though as you deepen you'll function in Red and Extreme Red, with some of the steps to Presence being tangible so you function (that is a topic for the Mastery Club and Laws of Grace course). For evidence please see Pain & Presence, at is the Emergency Response video explaining being hit by a car on my bike and taken 20 meters (65ft) on the car's grill. The Fire Armageddon video is on the No3 Evidence page.

This is why pillar No1 in the Enlightenment framework is Correct Presence Practice. It is then a matter of practice to form the habit [directives 17 to 20]. The introductory level course is about correct Presence, the Laws of Grace course then covers all the dynamics, habit formation, issues and hurdles. It also clarifies the usually not discussed issues one faces on this Awakening path. This explains why the epic Laws of Grace has so many videos.

The Laws of Grace course and its one-on-one sessions aims to help a person use and develop the right habits and to do so with clarity. This starts the new habits to improve your life in all areas and of course deepen your spiritual connection to Presence and the Divine.

It is your task, or our task if in coaching, or the Mastery Club, to hone correct Presence into being the natural default behaviour [directives 17 to 19 with directive 20 being the hopeful outcome]. This is the main purpose of the Mastery Club, as it gives a focused community where we explore cutting-edge aspects and development of deeper Presence.

I have worked with these rules intensively since 1995. I have been certified to the NLP international trainer level if specific assistance is required. These prime directives are typically missed in most spiritual teachings, this allows vagueness and nonsense to creep in. Spiritual progress can be definably made if you follow how you function as a human.

It is remarkable to me that the power of the unconscious mind is so overlooked in most spiritual theories and methodologies. It's is mostly ignored by most well-known spiritual teachers. It just leaves people as a slave to their inner workings of the unconscious mind. The ego is then bashed and abused as a monster. This demonstrates a clear level of misunderstanding of how our consciousness works. Hence this AwakenedEssence framework has pillar No2 (this includes all aspects of you), in second place for this very reason. Understand who you are fully and the path is much smoother. The self-abusing war has nothing to do with spiritual deepening.

For real Awakening

The unconscious mind is undoubtedly the most important aspect of being human. It does everything for us like a faithful servant so we can live life. It wants us to have a good and easy life. This topic is extremely complex, but having a simple understanding of how it works and a couple of basic skills can result in significant shifts in education, social interactions, moods, life achievements and having a life that has a lot more joy and happiness.

The contents of this page has some simple concepts that will help anyone start to build a relationship with themselves. To talk to one's own unconscious mind in a way that it listens, and will help, is truly one of the most important skills a person can ever learn in their lifetime. Again, go watch the animal videos as I discuss all these topics. That's the evidence as they react and let me whisper them.

The simple concepts and skills are:

1. State awareness and Presence practice. Using the state awareness traffic lights.

2. Enter Presence as frequently as you can, never assume you are there in Presence by thinking it. Take it deeper consciously and into the lower body. Always do the 4 steps and notice the nuances. The new correct default habit of phase 3 Abiding Presence will never take hold otherwise. The rules of your neurology and psychology cannot be overridden by spiritual theory. Please test this.

3. To talk to your unconscious mind like it is a 5 year old best friend, sister or brother that you deeply care for. This is the essence of self-love. The animals in this website represent the 5 year old, with no human behaviour filters. This is why I speak to them and name them as I do as a kid would. This is why I offer kindness and forgive them when they destroy my belongings and bite hard and make me bleed.

Though at times I have to move fast and that may seem erratic to us as a human. For them that isn't fast at all as their response times are much shorter. You'll see in some videos when I discipline a wild parrot I give it what I term "the squash". In bird tribe protocol, that is me asserting the higher pecking order, that is always gentle and would not hurt or harm the bird (unlike their bites do to me). The evidence captured in the videos shows the same bird will return to my hand, or come back on my verbal request. This is in direct contrast to their normal fight-flight response, thus they trust me as one of their flock. My Presence also assists as I merge with them in the Transpersonal level.

4. To use the feedback process to show it is important so it develops as a habit. This can be done by yourself (success journal), with the shorter Correct Presence Practice course or the full Laws of Grace online. Then there is the Mastery Club and personal coaching for specific feedback to maximise clarity and progress.

The prime directives are the 20 operational rules of the unconscious mind. In the summary below it is briefly mentioned how each one of these applies to your Awakening so it fits with all your life. These prime directives cannot be ignored, they operate unconsciously. At the core of proper Presence practice is the foundation of how we operate as a human. Enlightenment includes all of you, or it's just not real and this will be indicated by a lack of real life evidence, assuming Law Zero and you are willing to see and own it.

Unconscious Mind's Prime Directives

The Rules of how all humans tick!

The prime directives of the unconscious mind are the rule book of how you operate, behave, think and feel. Understanding these allows you to understand how, why and who you are. Observe this for yourself and you will see people are habit machines. These prime directives are literally the rules for how the software of our behaviours, emotions, memory and body functions work. The unconscious mind is the operating software of you. Your neurology (brain and body) is the hardware. The unconscious mind is the critical link from your human aspects to your spiritual anatomy and functions.

This video uses the language for teenagers, so no spiritual language is used. State Awareness, traffic lights and the Learning State is 100% the same as Correct Presence Practice, it's digestible for children, teens and all of society. Pillar No9 applies - that is everything here is applicable to many areas of life and scientific fields.

Laws of Grace / Presence Practice courses

Learn Correct Presence Practice with the 16 hour Correct Presence Practice course or the very extensive 50+ hour Laws of Grace course. Both include one or more personal coaching sessions to check you are forming the Correct Presence Practice and to answer your questions.

Enrolment Options & Payment page

20 Prime Directives of the Unconscious Mind

The operational rules of how you tick & behave

Below are the 20 prime directives of the unconscious mind. These are listed with short explanations as to why they apply to Awakening. These are a great subject for study so you understand how they apply in your life. These do not need to be known but will assist the serious student make faster progress on the Awakening path. I have summarised all these by repeatedly saying and demonstrating it in the many videos where I speak to the unconscious mind like it's a 5 year old.

To get along with the greater you, which is your unconscious mind, hopefully you treat him/her like a 5 year old. Treat him or her like your best friend [directives 11, 12 and 13, and avoid directives 8, 9 and 10] that you care for deeply. The result is a greater chance it will respond the way you consciously want [directive 13]. Get more of the outcomes that you consciously want and fewer reactions you don't. Life can become very enjoyable, and when it gets tough the below specific prime directives can indicate where to look. Understanding them helps the healing process as it ## makes sense.

If you are keen on a better life then pick one prime directive for a week and put your daily insights into how this applies into your success journal. Or another home study method would be to allocate 20 pages, and add insights as they happen. To carry out this task is in alignment with a number of prime directives. Your unconscious mind will certainly get the message it is no longer alone and that it is about working as a team for your life to be better and more enjoyable.

This is why in many videos I can play with wild animals in a way that overrides their natural survival instincts. By being kind, talking to them like a 5 year old best friend, giving them what they want, I can get close or even hold them and they remain relaxed and peaceful. Add that I am in Presence, and very observant I can act accordingly. The unconscious mind prime directives for animals would be very similar to our own, but more simplified. Animals don’t have much of a conscious mind, their thinking processes are very minimal.

These processes and rules in the Laws of Grace course operate in accordance with the below prime directives of the unconscious mind. It's important to understand how your neurology (the physical processes) and the unconscious mind (the software processes in our neurology) work to maximize your Presence practice. Then these skills are transferred into any area of your life, as pillar No9 applies.

These core life skills have a life-wide application, not just Awakening, so that is why they are included. Too many spiritual seekers and teachers ignore the vast bulk of our 'consciousness'. If you master your Presence practice you are also learning how to master your entire life.

There are 20 prime directives below they have been split into three main categories. Each will be briefly explained in relation to the Enlightenment process.

Category A: Basic Organism Functions

Your unconscious mind is responsible for all functions to keep you alive from breathing, digesting food to how cells reproduce and your survival instinct. Your unconscious mind is responsible also for your emotions and some of the basic filters with how you perceive things.

1 The most important prime directive of them all: Preserve the body, ie: Keep you safe!

The uppermost concern of your unconscious mind is for you to be safe. This is the core aspect of our survival instinct. If we feel threatened it's very difficult to be Present. Staying fully Present and even holding step 4 of the Divine in life threatening situations stabilises in phase 4 Matured Abidance. Life's most terrible occurrences will provide instances to test you.

Having a safe environment is important. Presence practice and most life activities are a long way down the list of priorities when safety is the primary concern. But as you embed this new habit your Presence can be maintained during high stress situations.

Remembering to enter Presence and changing your emotional and state awareness traffic light state from Red to Green is critical for many life activities. The red emotional traffic light is not enjoyable to experience or live in.

This is why in the red state bad behaviours that are destructive can be acted out. The unconscious mind sees these behaviours as the best option to keep you safe. The unconscious mind is confused and typically occurs when an aspect of the psychology has split off and it is operating independently from the whole. This is called a ‘part’, or a gestalt, in therapeutic and counseling methodologies.

The unconscious mind is confused and typically occurs when an aspect of the inner psychology has split off and it is operating independently from the whole. This is called a ‘part’, or a gestalt, in therapeutic and counseling methodologies.

To metaphorically illustrate: As a newborn baby the psychology is born whole. A bundle of baby joy. This whole psychology can be represented as a birthday cake. Trauma acts like a knife and cuts a slice of the cake and assigns it a specific task and behaviour pattern to help keep you safe. These slices can act independently of the rest of the cake, as it is now independent (cutaway). This slice (part) has limited behaviours, unlike the whole cake which has access to all your neurology and unconscious memory. Thus the behaviour may be a bad habit, but the unconscious slice (part or gestalt) only intends to do its best for you. It wants to keep you safe or give you the best.

2    Runs the body
The unconscious mind runs the body according to DNA and the blueprint of health. When there are no conflicts the body will maintain good health and equilibrium.

3    Generates, stores, distributes and transmits “energy”
In regards to Presence practice that means the energies are directed correctly and proper neurological function is maximised. It helps you to be grounded (Step 1) and gives you a greater ability to be aware of your step 2 inner body in the Correct Presence Practice, and other esoteric structures.

4    Control, maintain perceptions and transmit them to consciousness
Our perceptions are how we see and experience the world. This impacts how we behave and function. The saying ‘seeing the world through Rose-tinted glasses’ illustrate how our perceptions and filters can make a false representation of reality. This is the important role played by Law Zero. To consciously examine assumptions, internal states and steps to Presence build that acuity based on the sensory evidence. Then to own it and activate correct action is the responsibility of the second half of Law Zero. The state awareness traffic lights can also be used to tune oneself to be sensitive to how one is perceiving.

Other techniques and skills used in the Laws of Grace assist this include goal setting, monitoring one's 'core multiplier' of Awakening (this explained in the Laws of Grace course) and success journal. The 10 Laws of Success videos also help tune our perceptions and these are in both Correct Presence Practice and Laws of Grace courses.

If a perception doesn't seem pleasant it may result in a yellow or red traffic light state. If this can be caught by your state awareness it means it can be changed or just held in Presence until it dissolves. The habit of perceiving things in a better and empowered way is a result of applying Correct Presence Practice.

5    Is the domain of the emotions
This one is very important: Your unconscious mind is the domain of your emotions so if you are not in the green traffic light state then neurological function, motivation and performance are decreased. This is why emotional intelligence (EQ) is a major life skill. As your Presence practice deepens and becomes more durable you will master all emotional states. You can hold deep Presence and have emotions run. EQ mastery at this level will typically happen in phase 2 non-Abiding Awakening as part of the Jungian Individuation process. Only people who don't live correctly in Presence will say otherwise. This is why we use pillar No3 the Rules of Evidence. You will experience this for yourself as true if you follow what is in the introductory Correct Presence Practice or the much more extensive Laws of Grace course.

The animal videos demonstrate how an animal operates. It can be seen how it flicks its reaction and emotions from, say caution (yellow) to being settled (green) instantaneously. A number of the videos show the entire flock of parrots just going from green to high red and they vanish in an instant. This happens as animals have no conscious mind and a simplified unconscious so they behave more instinctually than humans. They tend not to hold onto past events. The exception to this is a traumatised animal. If traumatised that they can hold onto events especially if it was highly traumatic or unsafe. Directive No1 operates to keep them or if they are defending their young to ensure their babies are safe. This is to be expected as it helps the survival instinct to be improved.

Yet the human unconscious mind operates like a 5 year old. Thus it is still quite simplistic in some respects when compared to our conscious reasoning capabilities. The unconscious mind responds to being treated well and spoken to in a language it understands. It cannot rationalise like adults, hence it takes everything personally and all events are its fault [see directive 13]. So if we feel good that means we relax which helps us enter Presence more easily and to maintain it in life.

Category B:   Memory & recall

This category has a direct impact on all areas of life because it is related to your memory being formed, processed and recalled.

6    Stores memories
Storing memories is critical for a functional human life. Using the unconscious mind the way it is designed to work helps memory storage. The addition of techniques that assist the body's biology and neurology will further boost the memory and processing capacity. Presence, when done correctly via the body is naturally whole brain activating, neuroscience shows this. Presence naturally leads one into the Alpha brainwave state. That's why most people meditate. However once you enter Abiding Awakening, your neurology will tend to predominate in the Alpha brainwave state. Your neurology becomes relaxed and fully functional. The more settled the Alpha state is the more resilient your Presence is. This is why it takes several years for Abidance to hit the next level of Enlightenment called phase 4 deeply settled or matured AbidanceI reference this in some videos by saying I have trouble focusing my eyes as I live in peripheral vision. To go into tunnel vision means breaking my default habit of the alpha state (ie: Presence) based neurology.

7    Organizes all your memories
The Correct Presence Practice naturally helps the memories to be stored appropriately. When in Presence the body and neurology are relaxed. This means you are fully functional and the body can absorb and process memory correctly. There is a partial mistruth that gets circulated in spiritual circles that one becomes forgetful when they Awaken. I'd suggest you check for blind spots and Correct Presence Practice if this is happening as that contradicts neuroscience and proven learning theory. The desire to want to remember also helps. Correct Presence Practice also develops a strong and durable attention span as the conscious mind is used to check and experience the nuances of the 4 steps to Presence. 
Thinking I am Present is not Presence. That page video discusses the pitfalls of the famous Tolle meme when I think I am not Present I am that many use to incorrectly validate their opinions regarding Presence practice.

As you practice Presence correctly you will note the evidence that your attention span and memory will improve. Being ungrounded and floaty is not Presence. Though strange (esoteric and multidimensional) occurrences can happen as one deepens into Abidance (that is a totally different topic). It's worth noting that all memory and learning are state-dependent. By implication if you master your state you then go a long way to mastering your memory. The classic example to illustrate the point is that of a song. If a new song is learned and loved at a particular period in one’s life a decade later when that song plays we recall those times with clarity. The song triggers the state and the associated memories. I often buy a new album before a big holiday and listen to it when away. Years later that album will reactivate the memories and give me a chance to reflect on the changes in my life.

8    Represses memories with unresolved negative emotion
This function means that even a decade or more after you enter full abidance and even entered Transpersonal level of Awakening one may have memories and trauma pop up. Trauma and its outcomes are covered in various ways in the Laws of Grace course. Sometimes repressed memories are so traumatic that it scrambles the memory processes inside the brain. If it happens in the womb or childhood it can affect the brain's development. I have worked with some students that have had this issue. Their unconscious mind scrambled the memory storage system so they would not remember the traumatic events. This impacted their ability to recall information and do well at school. Luckily due to directives 12, 13 19 and 20 a solution was found to restore the memory system, and help keep that person safe [directive No1]. Ensuring prime directive 1 of safety is maintained with a new strategy usually allows healing to start. This is resolution process is directive 9.

9    Presents repressed memories for resolution
Our unconscious mind really does want us to have a good life [directives 1, 11, 12, 19 and 20]. So the things that are repressed will surface so they can be processed and released. The reason for this is to relieve stress in the mental, emotional and physical body. Therefore directive No1 to be safe, which is the most important directive to ensure survival, is the reason for this directive.

This can be why cycles of good and hard happen in our lives. This is why we go from good motivation to bad. There may be something repressed that is ready for review and release and life may trigger it to be remembered. This is mentioned here for the sake of completeness because when issues arise they change the emotional state (thus the awareness traffic light). If something big crops up then the specific assistance can be given with a coaching session.

10    May keep the repressed emotions repressed for protection
This is a subset of the above No9 and helps the most important prime directive No1 of keeping you safe and functional. If you are pro-actively working on a behaviour pattern and it does not shift, this may be why. Habits and behaviours will not shift just because they are not wanted. All habits result for a reason. The unconscious mind and its protection mechanisms are truly amazing, even if some conflict with what we consciously say we want. I reference these protection mechanisms plenty in many videos.
To bust these psychological mechanisms by force may result in insanity. This is why I am also against the use of powerful drugs, If you cannot do it consciously you leave yourself vulnerable to nasty consequences. The Awakening is Not page and the spiritual hygiene pages discuss aspects of this topic. This is also covered in several ways in the Laws of Grace course in the myth busting section.

The key is to improve in a way that the unconscious keeps its balance.
It will present only what you are capable of dealing with, your unconscious mind is you most loyal and loving friend and guardian angel. Consider this: Balance = Safety, so the first and most powerful prime directive is maintained.

Category C: Style of Operation

This category gives insights as to how we behave the way we do. It explains our core drivers, motivation and usually our ethical guidelines of being a human (unless traumatised).

11 Is a highly moral being
Yes, our humanity is naturally one of good morals. To be a good person and to be treated nicely is natural. If a behaviour or personality aspects are not highly moral it's because there is something that has caused a disruption.

The animal videos demonstrate this fact over and over. The animals that operate unconsciously are finely tuned at sensing danger. When they are close to me they sense this high morality and my Presence. The animals feel safe. Then when I stroke or even hold them their survival instincts usually never trigger. They may struggle a little bit at times, but they are only in the yellow traffic light state (or they would bite me hard!). Hence in many videos when the birds will eat while being held. If they escape my grasp they usually compose themselves (go back to green) before they fly away, or they stay on me.

In a few special videos you can clearly see the animals like Koalas and birds being quite confused at being stroked. This is way outside their normal reality. You can sense their brains being confused, their eyes roll in their eye sockets. Their behaviour says I like this, but I should run away (survival instinct).

Even fish can sense this. When snorkeling without a spear gun, the bigger wiser fish of any species will often approach closely. When I have a speargun, the same big fish will stay out of firing range, only the young and small fish will be curious and approach.

12 Enjoys serving, needs clear orders to follow
This prime directive is really important. Our unconscious mind wants to help us and others therefore it needs to be given clear directions in a way it understands. Then the unconscious can carry the instructions out. Goal setting, planning, success journal and other techniques are used to help direct your attention, focus and outcomes. These techniques are an integral part of our human life if we want to do well. The 10 Laws of Success videos that are in both the Correct Presence Practice and Laws of Grace courses translate how human achievement and success theory is related to Presence and our core wholeness. The shorter student versions of these videos are here.

Hence in the animal videos I speak to the birds or animals as though they are a  5 year old best friend. I explain, I talk and use gestures and tonality to communicate to them. Note my tonality and actions if the bird bites me for example. I tell it off and then I come back to being a nice person I tell them what I want. In my mind I picture what I want them to do, and as I am usually in Presence they can sense it. The big Sulphur Crested Cockatoo videos exemplify this beautifully as they are smarter and live longer. The cockatoo's reaction is always great fun to watch. Sometimes they will walk away, as if embarrassed, then turn around and come back in the green traffic light state for more food.

As you watch the animal videos notice how the bird often responds to what I say, and these are 100% wild animals. Sometimes when I say something to a bird it acts on it almost instantly. The 'Evidence your Awakening' video on the Laws of Grace page gives numerous examples, they are so amazing I could not edit the video to make it shorter.

A metaphor for this directive is: When using navigation apps to get from point A to point B if you don't tell it where you want to go it's simply can't help you get to the destination.

13 Takes everything personally. 'It's my fault'
Have you noticed you take everything personally until your adult conscious mind overrides it with the sense of ‘me’? With the unconscious mind truly being like a five year old it doesn't have an individualised sense of identity. Therefore everything is related to as it is my fault. Hence in the videos I say talk to your unconscious (yourself) like she or he is a 5 year old friend. The correct Presence practice here on this website and the online courses activates this principle to help outcomes be achieved.

14 Is symbolic, uses and works with symbols and pictures
The unconscious mind and neurology operate in pictures and symbols. Hence the saying a picture is worth a thousand words. This is why the traffic light system is used on this page as it conveys meaning. The use of the traffic light to monitor yourself gives you an instantaneous readout and a sense of what to do. Many of the whole brain learning techniques taught at my website revolve around the use of pictures and symbols. The use of mind maps (Tony Buzan is the acknowledged inventor of these) is a unique picture/symbol. Mind maps are a very effective whole-brain study technique.

This is why rote learning (the main method used to teach subjects) is a very ineffective method of learning it only uses a small part of the brain (left neocortex). Wrote learning does not trigger the Learning State, it triggers the Beta brainwave state (yellow and red traffic lights for learning effectiveness). The right side of the brain is a lot more holistic and is based on symbols, pictures and music. Hence whole brain learning techniques are a requirement for effective learning.

15 Does not process negatives
Don’t think of a pink elephant! What did you see when you read that sentence? The unconscious mind can only see what is represented therefore cannot process a negative. This has implications in terms of goal setting and seeing the correct outcomes. It can also improve how you speak to yourself and others if you keep the imagery positive. For example, saying “Don’t fall over” conveys the picture of falling over. The unconscious may follow that command [directive 12] and fall over as it runs on symbols and pictures [directive 14]. If the picture is to fall over, it may well act it out - ouch!

16 Maintains instincts and generate habits
Instincts are hard-wired and are difficult to change. However, habits can override instinct with practice. A strong habit can override what is natural [directives 18 and 20]. For example, a soldier is trained to be fully functional in a deadly firefight, rather than go into (red traffic light state) survival mode or go into trauma (dysfunctional extreme red).

This is demonstrated in the animal videos where I hold the wild birds. They do not go into their survival instincts and remain at peace.

This directive also means that bad habits can be formed and may become predominant, especially in yellow and red traffic light states. The aim of the website, the Laws of Grace online course and Mastery Club is to help install good Presence practice for learning, state control, success as well as having a life in Abiding Presence (in a timely fashion).

17 Needs repetition until a habit is installed
Learning the practice of correct Presence practice shared here requires new habits to be formed. The old and inefficient habits of un-awake unconsciousness need to be undone. The old habits that tend to run in the yellow and red traffic light states need to be changed. These are switched to the new habits, that support the green light state, for maximum resourcefulness and neurological function.

The online courses, Mastery Club and coaching teach these skills and help them be applied so they become the natural habit. Because these skills are designed to work with your unconscious mind and neurology they do become the preferred habit because they are easy for your system to run them [directive 20]. This then sets up a life that is a lot more successful in all areas because the overriding habit of Presence has been installed that matches how the unconscious mind and neurology work. True Awakening includes all of you (pillar No2), hence this is included here when most other spiritual teachers and methodologies miss it out.

The big exception: Directives 1 to 10 will override this one because of trauma. Prime directive 1 of keeping you safe is the fundamental base of our survival. Hence our emotional baggage can influence us all our lives. Deeper aspects in the limbic system (cranium) and heart-brain (first 40,000 neurons formed in the fetus, before the cranium brain) are much more difficult to revert to the preferred habit. This is where the dynamics get complicated.

18 Functions best as a whole integrated unit
To be whole and functional is the ideal outcome. This is represented in this website by being Present where you are in the green state awareness traffic light. The unconscious mind due to the above prime directives means that psychologically separated parts can override the entire system. This tends to happen more when in the red traffic light (ie: dysfunctional and in reaction mode). This is easily observable when people are in extreme emotional states (or drunk) by how they will act out. They are lost in behaviour patterns that are not desirable. They are not in control of their consciousness. They are being run by an unconscious pattern that is not integrated with the wholeness of their being.

19 Is programmed to continually seek more and more
This explains why motivation should naturally be high. Notice three to five year old children are always keen to learn more and help unless they have been traumatised to stay safe thus try to keep a low profile [directive No1].

If motivation is not naturally good then there is a conflict happening somewhere within the unconscious. This directive also explains why we want to grow as a person and why we always want more security, more money etc. Success is a natural drive, if missing then conflicts are present in the unconscious mind. Presence naturally feels good, it offers peace to any situation. Correct Presence Practice, as described in the methods here and most specifically in the Laws of Grace course activates all your neurology so you can deal consciously with any situation.

This is the secret to the spiral of improvement. The positive feedback loop is started. As more positive improvements and experiences happen the tough stuff is tackled with a different attitude. Learning is taken from the tough and negative stuff to further make improvements. This is the key aim with the online courses, Mastery Club and coaching.

20 Works on the principle of least effort
Yes, we are inherently lazy and will take the easiest option. The easiest option is typically the strongest habit and those neurological pathways backed with experience and repetition [directive 17]. The question to ask is this habit one that was installed unconsciously or a habit you have chosen and worked on so it's been mastered by conscious choice?

Learning new habits takes effort and it can also mean feeling uncomfortable until one has mastered these things so they are easy. Once they are easy and the benefits are known from experience they then can take predominance as the natural behaviour pattern. To fully master the Presence habit can be achieved within a few short years to full Abiding Presence, as defined in this website. This is the key reason for the Laws of Grace course as exactness and evidence based steps are used so you can experience this for yourself. The outcome then becomes mathematical. It took me 5 years to enter Abiding Awakening, if I'd had access to this Laws of Grace online course it would have been less than three years. Mind based Presence practice caused at least a two year delay. The vast majority of seekers are lost in mind practice, hence so few truly enter proper Abiding Presence. These individuals just think they have, but it does not meet the Rues of Evidence that it is real.

This is explained in the emergency response video and Presence with pain page. This is where I explain how even in emergency situations my natural instinct now is to go more deeply into Presence. My system has learned that it can be fully functional via Presence. This helps me the most in any situation. This is because Abiding Presence means all my resources are available. In my case, it does mean it is now the path of least effort. My system has also learned that Presence is in accordance with prime directive No1, of keeping me safe because more resourcefulness equals I am safer.

One-on-One Sessions: Personal Feedback is best

Personal Sessions offer the greatest level of insight and change. It simply cannot be beaten. Any topic and any service offered in this website be that Awakening coaching or healing services. Smash your Blind Spots and bad habits that keep you stuck. This makes it real and specific to you.
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The 3 and 8 session coaching programs come with the video course. This teaches you in a practical, zero spiritual jargon way how to apply the #4 key ingredients and the 9 pillar framework. A worthy investment for the precision clarity and practical benefit. The video course lays out the coaching process to maximise your progress.

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