Awakened Lineage Reiki
Reiki's original Heart: Awakened
There are at least four fully Awakened teachers out of six in this very short lineage from Usui to you. Usui is the founder of the most common branch of Reiki that carries his name. There are also other branches of Reiki and they tend to be very similar, notably the Tibetan and the Sai Baba versions. The modern-day system spread through the Western world after Reiki Master Takata initiated 22 Masters into teaching Reiki, she died in 1980.
Under pillar No3 of the Rules of Evidence watch how I Yoda these 100% wild parrots. This is an example of merging and Transpersonal consciousness at work.
The Reiki Alliance was formed in 1983 to set rigid structures, high fees and control. As such that removed some of the purity, the natural flow of Reiki. Yet, some really good teachers emerged who took Reiki back to its core roots. This Awakened lineage slipped through that restrictive system, as Awakened beings tend to do. The above video is a unique look at Reiki and how I approach it from the place of Awakened Awareness. Presence (God's juice) is the key factor.
I received my Master Teacher attunement from an independent Reiki Master, Gina Allan-Evans, the author of “Gifts of Spirit”. She in turn was initiated by Alex Summerfield who was initiated by Takata. I received multiple Reiki levels and teachings from Kaya Weinman. Kaya was a great teacher and role model for me with how she conducted her life. Both of these Reiki Masters are great examples who walk the talk for me. My Reiki teaching method and how I endeavor to live as a human was influenced by these people. The most valuable things I have learned from them are “be yourself” and “follow your own truth”.
Gina Allan-Evans is the first female and is non-Tibetan who was bestowed the honour of being the holder of the Kalachakra Symbol personally by the Dalai Lama himself. This speaks of her as a person and a spirit of healing and where Reiki could go.
It’s time for Reiki to go back to its roots. Its roots of Presence and openness of trust, that it knows what is best for peace, healing and Presence.
A Rare Awakened Lineage
There are two teachers that I have not researched to find out if they were Awake, all the others demonstrated advanced indicators, not just phase 3 Abiding Awakening as defined in this website. If the stories are true, this is a very direct pure Master lineage:
1. Dr Mikao Usui (1800s) - Awakened
2. to Dr Hayashi - Awakened
3. to Hawayo Takata (only initiated 22 Masters) - unknown
4. to Alex Summerfield - unknown
5. to Gina Allan-Evans - Awakened
6. to Me - Awakened
7. to you.
A lineage that is this short to Usui and purity with such conscious beings would now be difficult to find. A lineage in a spiritual healing system is like DNA. A lineage is its energetic heritage.
Healing Courses: Harth Timeline, Gold Ray & Reiki (etc)
All healing courses include attunements via Phoenix Healing, assignment of your inner Master teacher/guardian from the Golden Crew who work with me, manual, videos and/or audio files. Coaching session/s included.
All courses come with an extra special 4 hour Guardian Gate keeper course. This is to help you develop strict spiritual hygiene and your inner guide relationships.
Reiki is a form of initiation
Initiation into the truth of who you are
How Reiki is taught here takes us back to the roots of its original intention. Communion with God, to the best of our ability, is first. Reiki if done right is pillar No1 Correct Presence Practice. Then the healing is part two as you hold Presence. This allows the pipe of energy to flow through you for healing purposes. The better your ability to be correctly Present means the pipe of healing energy is bigger so more can flow through. This is what I term bandwidth. You earn your bandwidth as you deepen, it's not about external initiations and levels of a course you take.
The videos in the course are all based on Presence first. This is Reiki taken back to its ancient monastery roots in this fast-paced modern world. Reiki is the impersonal consciousness (step 4 in the Correct Presence Practice) that you truly are, which is how Reiki was taught in millennia past. It is a way to connect with God and a method to learn how this Impersonal Divine energy flows and works within our human make-up from our Soul to our DNA.
These courses also tend to create opportunities for initiations, breakthroughs and inner advancement for participants. I call this a Gift of Grace. What I have witnessed over the decades is that those who have a clear intention and focus tend to get blessed more by Grace. Focus, intention and application increase the chances of Grace stepping in and helping. This is the basis of the Laws of Grace. The course has videos on how to transition through initiations and Awakenings, as they take adjustment.
If you apply and practice your healing abilities grow. Reiki (and/or the Golden Ray) is another way to learn and apply the 9 pillar Enlightenment framework. Using healing energies gives another method to focus and assist your Presence habit. This then helps you function better in normal human life. It also opens the portal of Grace to bestow gifts of healing and initiation.
Healing Courses: Harth Timeline, Gold Ray & Reiki (etc)
All healing courses include attunements via Phoenix Healing, assignment of your inner Master teacher/guardian from the Golden Crew who work with me, manual, videos and/or audio files. Coaching session/s included.
All courses come with an extra special 4 hour Guardian Gate keeper course. This is to help you develop strict spiritual hygiene and your inner guide relationships.
Why Limit Reiki?
Grace cannot be limited, esp under the Awakened Lineage Reiki Lineage
You don't need to limit Reiki because of what someone else said. One of the foundational aspects of the Laws of Grace is the Rules of Evidence. Every student I have taught in person or online has found doing Reiki 1 and 2 at the same time and then level 3 over a weekend is fully OK. The initial initiation is just the start. It is your practice levels that make the difference, per the 9 pillar framework. The Laws of Grace apply as that is how God works, not human rules that limit. Free will applies, tune in and decide for yourself. Then practice and experiment. The students I have taught and my own unbelievable experiences have proven to me the unbelievable is usually possible. Too many incredible experiences have become common.
The courses contain videos on how to embed the healing systems and cautions to be aware of after having an attunement. Learning how to grow and function while you go through initiations is covered in these courses. This is also extensively covered in the Laws of Grace course. Being functional and grounded is an important requirement so your life improves. Thus the old control dogma perpetuated within the Reiki communities is moot if the course content and 9 pillar framework are applied. Apply pillar No4 Law Zero of self honesty and self responsibility, that is your guiding light. Coaching and mentoring is available if you want assistance.
Move beyond limits
imposed on you by others
Over the years I have faced many situations where people try and limit the potential of myself, themselves, others and the true things in life that cannot be limited.
Some people like to place limitations on such as how fast, how much, how it should be done. Ask that person:
- Is Reiki Universal Energy?
- Is Reiki Universal Intelligence?
- Is Reiki Universal Power?
Any Reiki practitioner or teacher will say yes to that, if not then that's a reflection of them and their abilities.
Then ask yourself the question “Why would a limitation be placed on something more infinitely more powerful than the human mind and human limitations?”
- The answer is you will get what you need and what you can handle, Grace is good that way.
- The Universe knows best. And this will be offered in this course, if you truly desire something deeper to move beyond your current limitations, chances are you will be offered that initiation, that spiritual attunement, spiritual insight, it will be done.
- As it knows what is best, if that desire is not good for you at this moment it will be done when you can handle it. Grace time locks certain things for your own good. Universal Intelligence is the ultimate at “health and safety” and taking care of your development.
- Why? Because it is Universal energy, it is Universal Intelligence, and it is Universal Power.
Healing Courses: Harth Timeline, Gold Ray & Reiki (etc)
All healing courses include attunements via Phoenix Healing, assignment of your inner Master teacher/guardian from the Golden Crew who work with me, manual, videos and/or audio files. Coaching session/s included.
All courses come with an extra special 4 hour Guardian Gate keeper course. This is to help you develop strict spiritual hygiene and your inner guide relationships.
“The session with Jason was a life changing experience. I feel as though what I have learned in my time with Jason will impact my life as a whole positively and dramatically” Sal H – Massage Remedial Massage Therapist
“Well organized & structured. Good balance between theory and practice. Learned lots this weekend! And learned how everything is related to one another” Amali – Physiotherapist
“Loved the relaxed environment & flow of the sessions. Jason was very generous in knowledge; as well as being compassionate & supportive. It is obvious his heart is in the training” Gill – Naturopath
But someone told me there needs to be a time break between learning Level 1, 2 and 3? Hit the link to un-limit yourself regarding Reiki.
Find out more
Tap links to see full information about the Reiki Levels:
Reiki 1&2 the 3 standard Usui symbols plus the Master Key symbol.
Reiki 3 & Reiki Master teacher (The Master Symbols & Reiki Eyes)
Alternatively book coaching session time or a Phoenix healing and just experience it. Discounted coaching time is available when you buy a course.
One-on-One Sessions: Personal Feedback is best
Personal Sessions offer the greatest level of insight and change. It simply cannot be beaten. Any topic and any service offered in this website be that Awakening coaching or healing services. Smash your Blind Spots and bad habits that keep you stuck. This makes it real and specific to you.
Book a free 25 min phone chat when you send a booking email with the required information. Alternatively your initial 50 minute* Skype/phone call will be extended to 90 minutes.
The 3 and 8 session coaching programs come with the video course. This teaches you in a practical, zero spiritual jargon way how to apply the #4 key ingredients and the 9 pillar framework. A worthy investment for the precision clarity and practical benefit. The video course lays out the coaching process to maximise your progress.